Saturday, November 5 seems to be THE DAY. At least in California. At least for genealogy. Not only is the California Genealogical Society having their big shin-dig; but, the Regional Family History Center in Sacramento is also hosting an all day seminar.
Starting at 9:00 classes will be offered in English Research, Eastern European Research, Scandinavian Research, Basic U. S. Research, Land Records, Coroner's Records, Digital Scrapbooking and so much more.
Registration starts at 7:45 in the morning with a welcoming address at 8:30. Then classes will begin at 9:00 and go until 3:45 (with most classes running an hour.)
Your's truly will be presenting two lectures; What you can find at the National Archives; and, Ports of Entry other than Ellis Island.
For more information check out the Sacramento Regional Family History Center's website.