I have changed my business name! From now on my business will be known as "Seven Sisters Genealogical Services." What do you think? (Too bad, I'm not changing it.)
I also have decided to change the name of the blog. Y'all know you never remembered that big ol' long thing. So I think it will be easier to remember "Seven Sisters Genealogy" don't you?
And guess what? I've got a website. Yee Ha. Bet you can guess the name. "Seven SistersGenealogy.com" (you saw that one coming didn't you?)
I thought long and hard about my new name. Remember? I posted way back in October that I needed a new name. I even wanted to run a contest, but couldn't figure out how to run it. Well, the whole subject has weighed heavy on my mind for months now. Then one day it came to me.
I have seven sisters. They are a big part of why I do genealogy. (Them and my five brothers). Yes, I am including all of my brothers and sisters in that statement. (For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about go here and scroll down to the bottom, the very first post of this blog, entitled The Never Ending Story.) Even though we are a your's, mine, their's and somebody else's type of family, we are still connected. And I love each and every one of them.
My seven sisters are: Victoria Lynn, Jorja Lynn, Suzanne Ruth, Deborah Sue, Loretta Gail, Elisabeth Ann, and Gerrianne Teresa.
So to them I dedicate my new website and business name.